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美國丹寧大廠LEVI’S再度攜手運動品牌Air Jordan,擷取碰撞Flight Suit的雙翼細節為靈感,打造最新傳奇聯名系列(見圖,LEVI’S提供)。其中代表性丹寧夾克改以雙面穿設計,正反面分別採用Cone Mills丹寧布料及撞色塔夫塔綢質製成,並將於本月30日於LEVI’S台北西門旗艦店及高雄崛江旗艦店限量上市;LEVI’S×Jordan雙面兩穿白色丹寧夾克5500元。(中國時報)


2018-0南方澳美食推薦6-21 03:00

COUNTERMEASURES: The tit-for-tat US-China tariffs would not directly affect Taiwan, but could make waves in financial markets and lead to protectionism, a NSC report saidBy Su Yung-yao and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writerPresident Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday called a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) to discuss possible actions and contingency plans should the escalating trade war between the US and China affect Taiwan.Premier William Lai (賴清德), NSC Secretary-General David Lee (李大維) and Presidential Office Secretary-General Chen Chu (陳菊) were among those who attended the meeting.The US tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum implemented in March was of great concern to Tsai, who ordered the council to establish a task force to monitor the issue, analyze its possible effects on Taiwan and develop contingencies, Presidential Office spokesperson Alex Huang (黃重諺) said.Local businesses and Taiwanese firms in China should not be affected by the 25 percent tariffs imposed on Chinese goods per Article 301 of the US Trade Act, Huang said.US tariffs that are scheduled to take effect on July 6 for List 1, which includes 818 items, has been included in the assessment, he said.Taiwanese businesses supply a very small amount of the items on List 2, which includes petrochemical, mechanical and semiconductor items, Huang said.However, if the US imposes another 10 percent tariff on US$2 trillion worth of Chinese goods, the situation would no doubt escalate, the assessment said.Further tit-for-tat measures between the US and China could make waves in financial markets and lead to trade protectionism, it said.While there is a chance that continued escalation could run out of control, that possibility is not high, the assessment added.Taiwan should consider structural changes to its global and regional supply chain, as the US-China trade conflict is showing signs of protraction, it said.Such changes could indicate a shift in the global industry supply chain and the role of Taiwanese businesses in the regional supply chain, as well as trilateral relations between Taiwan, the US and China, the assessment said.Tsai instructed the council to continue to monitor the trade conflict and prepare government agencies for countermeasures, Huang said.“The president has also instructed the Executive Yuan and other agencies to issue statements to allay the sense of unease among local industries regarding the US-China trade war,” Huang said.The task force consists of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Executive Yuan’s Office of Trade Negotiations, the central bank, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mainland Affairs Council and the National Security Bureau.“The government should place the nation’s strategic, economic and industrial benefits at the fore when mulling contingency plans and countermeasures,” Huang quoted Tsai as saying.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

針對台大校長遴選爭議,教育部曾先後召開兩次跨部會「管中閔教授赴大陸地區從事學術交流等活動適法性疑義諮詢會議」,傳出會中提出作多質疑的三名「大將」,分別就是教育部長吳茂昆、台北教育大學教務長周志宏、法務部次長蔡碧仲。對此,立法院教育及文化委員會、民進黨立委吳思瑤今( 15 )日不以為然的說,跨部會小組成員全案意見的表述,都應該受到保障,現在卻被有如獵巫般的,只要不是挺管的就被拉出來鞭屍,讓人遺憾。



此外,教育部將外界稱為「拔管小組」的跨部會小組 2 次會議記錄列為密件,須保持機密 1 年後方可解密。國民黨立委柯志恩批評說,教育部濫用國家機密保護法,「這不是黑箱,什麼才是黑箱?」



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